Full Speed Ahead! Why Speed Optimization Matters For Your Website
The Six Second Attention Span Did you know your website has about six seconds to capture the user’s attention? As any SEO specialist will tell you, the human attention span is extremely short: a mere six to eight seconds on … Continue reading

The End of Net Neutrality: How Cloudflare CDN Can Help Speed Up Any Slows
It looks as if the end of net neutrality is upon us. On December 14th, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal net neutrality regulations that ensured internet service providers (ISPs) treated all internet traffic equally. Essentially this … Continue reading

How the Net Neutrality Repeal May Affect Your Business
On December 14th, 2017, under the guidance of its chairman Ajit Pai, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal net neutrality restrictions implemented under the Obama Administration in 2015. If you’re concerned about how this decision might affect your … Continue reading

Digital Hospitality: How To Create a Welcoming Website For Your Hotel
Hotel owners, picture this. Some guests walk into your hotel’s lobby, but no one is there to greet them. They notice that the wallpaper is peeling and the carpet is stained. (Let’s not even go into the smell.) The guests … Continue reading

Three Audiences that Love a Magento Site
They say that knowing your audience is the key to success. But that can be easier said than done—unless you have the right help. Enter Magento: a commerce platform that helps you become acquainted with and accommodate your eCommerce website’s … Continue reading

Measuring Foot Traffic from Digital Ads
Foursquare’s newest tool, Attribution, allows the social and location platform to measure the foot traffic generated by digital ads. As a result, ads can now be connected to physical store visits. Users must be willing to leave their location-sharing feature … Continue reading

Cross Device Conversion 101
Throughout the day, we’re constantly switching between devices. From mobile to desktop to tablet, the journey includes multiple vehicles. In fact, 90% of connected customers move between screens during their purchase pathway for everyday activities. This presents a trifecta problem … Continue reading