Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel Marketing: What It Is and How to Do It Right

Multichannel Marketing made right gives huge advantage to organizations that exploit it. In the early days of marketing, limiting your approach to one communication platform may have been enough. But in today’s non-stop, multichannel world, putting up billboard advertisements or sending out mail order catalogues alone just isn’t going to cut it.

Today, consumers operate across a range of communication channels. That means that if you want to reach them, you’ve got to get on those channels, too.

In multichannel marketing, you interact with consumers through a combination of different communication platforms. These might include social media, websites, email, direct mail, in-store experiences, and more. In essence, you’re giving your customers the choice to interact with you via their preferred method of communication.

Multichannel marketing done right

The key word with multichannel marketing is consistency. You’re marketing across a range of channels, but that doesn’t mean you need to reinvent the wheel for each separate marketing platform. Come up with one clear approach to your messaging and make minor adjustments to cater to users on each channel. Not only does this strengthen your brand and maintain consistency for your customers, it also saves you time and money.

Bear in mind that a single customer will probably use multiple channels in their daily life, which means they’ll be interacting with you via several forms of communication. Make it easy for them to recognize you on each channel (the last thing you want to do is confuse them), and ensure their experience on each platform is equally positive.

To get the best results, try integrating your use of different platforms. For example, a TV spot or commercial could be used to prompt viewers to use a certain hashtag on social media. Or an email may encourage readers to visit your company website and subscribe to your YouTube channel. You want to give your customers options—and make sure they know about them.

That said, not every channel works for every business. It’s worth doing some research and experimentation to find the platforms that will best compliment your company, engage your target audience, and bring in the most conversions.

Making multichannel marketing work for you

Like all good marketing strategies, multichannel marketing takes time and effort. But once you find that sweet spot and start leveraging your brand across multiple platforms, you’ll find that this strategy is well worth every second you spend on it.

Ready to take your company’s marketing to new heights? At Liqui-Site, we’re all about bold, innovative marketing strategies, and our team of web development and marketing experts can help bring your organization the recognition it deserves. Contact us today to learn more.