How To Get 15 Quality Leads in 15 Days

Since the day we launched our new website – literally – we began generating interest from past, current and prospective clients. That interest turned into 5 quality leads within the first 15 days of the year. While the website had much to do with the resulting success, it certainly wasn’t the only factor.

First, we planted the seed about the anticipated website to everyone we knew. Many new colleagues, associates, prospects, friends and family wanted to be notified about the site launch, so we added them to our e-newsletter list (with their permission, of course). When the site went live, the email went out and included links to our portfolios, blog, new client sites, Facebook and Twitter.

Past and present clients perused the portfolios to see their own company collateral. Prospects had the chance to see our work, our awards, and get a feel for who they may be hiring.

Our depth of knowledge for advanced search engine optimization(SEO) and social media brought in leads from across the country, through Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. And the multiple submission forms housed on the site enabled us to capture leads and qualify them in a variety of ways. This was very important! Think about it: If you’re trying to drive traffic to your website, you must have a way to capture data – and a simple form on your Contact page simply won’t cut it. People want an incentive – an email newsletter, a white paper, an exclusive discount, a website evaluation – or something valuable in exchange for their information.

The launch of our Pro Bono Promo Contest offered some insight into the integrity and nature of our firm for those who were unfamiliar with us. Giving back to a community or non-profit organization in some way, whether financially or with pro bono services, demonstrates thought, care and gratefulness for your success. It also makes prospects feel good about working with you. And how many companies can you really say that about?

The point is, with all the right elements in place: website construction, advanced search engine optimization, good content, inbound marketing, incentives and lead capture forms, it’s not difficult to garner leads through your website. The more strategic and streamlined the process, the better the quality of leads as well. Out of our 15 leads, 12 signed proposals for our custom website development.