VISA Wins Gold With Olympic Ad Campaign

If you’ve been watching the 2010 Winter Olympics, you’ve seen some incredible competition, brand new sports, and both tragedies and victories daily. You may have also noticed something pretty inspiring about one advertising campaign in particular – VISA. Now, I have no vested interest in the corporation, so hear me out.

Anyone who’s ever watched TV has seen their fair share of credit card commercials. American Express has had some memorable contests for small businesses, and MasterCard’s Priceless campaign was (and still is) genius – a perfect example of the Word Hook approach to a successful advertising campaign. We all recognize that VISA used to be “everywhere you want to be,” but I can’t recall a single one of their TV spots that stopped me in my tracks the way MasterCard’s Priceless ads did. Well, I can’t say that anymore.

While watching the Winter Games, I’ve seen three different ads that are part of VISA’s new “Go World” campaign. If you haven’t seen them yet, or to view them all in one place, check out VISA’s “Go World”channel on YouTube. My favorites are the Julia Mancuso and Dan Jansen spots. It’s the human story – the dreams, the successes, the failures and determination of the featured Olympic athletes that capture your attention. You, as the consumer, identify with these champions on some level, and you either feel like you know them, want to cheer them on and cry with them when they win.

Advertising is an incredibly powerful tool when an emotional connection is made between consumer and brand. Remember that above all else.

What’s so incredible about this campaign is that it’s a perfect fit for Olympics. The campaign title, the new VISA tagline (“more people go with VISA”) which uses both a Call To Action and Memory approach, the familiar voice of James Earl Jones, and…

If this wasn’t enough, VISA has also invested in the power of social media. Every commercial that’s aired is available on their YouTube channel and invites people to “get close to the Winter Games” on their Facebook page, too.

Do some of the spots get you teary-eyed or send chills up your spine with inspiration?  Could these ads ever convince you to apply for a VISA card – or if you already have one, do they increase your loyalty to the brand?