Content Repurposing Guide

Your Ultimate Guide To Content Repurposing

Content Repurposing Guide

Content marketing is the best way to generate traffic to your site, but continuously coming up with new ideas can be hard. We get it! Once you come up with a fresh concept and put a ton of work into putting it together, it can be discouraging to see that content fail to get the attention you were hoping it would. This is where content repurposing comes into play.

What Does It Mean To Repurpose Content?

Repurposing content is taking a piece of content and reusing it in alternate forms or variations. You can change the format of your original content to reach new goals and audiences. It’s a way to reincarnate information that you’ve already put out there in the past – to give it new life.

The Benefits of Content Repurposing

There are many ways repurposing content can benefit your business. A major benefit is that it is an amazing way to generate fresh ideas. When going through old content, you may notice a common theme, which will help you come up with other subsidiary ideas. You also get more mileage out of your original content. You already have knowledge of a specific topic, now you can get that information across in multiple different formats to reach more people. Repurposing content helps you appeal to a wider audience; different people have different preferences in how they receive their information and this is one way you can cater to each specific audience. You can do more with less time by using the same information in different ways and with variation.

Repurposing content can also help you boost SEO. We’ve explained in a previous post how internal linking and refreshing your old content can help treat a drop in search rankings—and those are forms of content repurposing! It can also help to increase engagement on social channels because you’re reaching new audiences, and as we all know, engagement is weighted pretty heavily by the search engines.

Prep For Repurposing

Much like other elements of content marketing, repurposing content requires a strategy. As soon as you publish a piece of content, you can immediately get to work on ways to repurpose it. Always think ahead to your options for any piece of content you put out there; plan ahead to reuse later. Having an editorial calendar is important when it comes to content repurposing because it gives you a visual of what content you have published or will publish in the future. Keep a list of themes that you see throughout your content to give you options on how you can reuse it in the future.

Where To Start

Create New Blog Posts & Articles: High quality content can turn into even more high quality content. You can create a “Top 5” post with a list of previous posts you’ve published. You can also refresh and republish old posts if the information that is provided has changed.

Share Old Content on Social: Posting old content on your social media platforms can help you reach different people in different time zones or new followers. If your content is timeless, you can share it today with the same value as the day it was first published.

Create a Slideshow Presentation: Summarize previous content in a slideshow presentation. This is a great way to produce an easy-to-read recap of your original content.

Put Together an Infographic: Visually outline your old content and present it in a quick and clear fashion. This is a great tactic for reach those who identify themselves as visual learners.

Create an eBook: Put together an e-book from previous blog posts along with additional research and information. Make sure the e-book is worth the extra investment for your consumers, as you’ll want to capture their information in exchange.

Start a Podcast or Video Series: This is a great way to reach an audience that prefers content that they do not have to read. Use your original content as jumping off points for further discussion. You can also create a transcript of each podcast or video that can add even more value to your content.

Host a Webinar: Use your existing content as a basis for a webinar; use a series of blog posts or some videos—these are excellent starting points. Present on the topic and engage with your audience in conversation simultaneously. This is a great way to build a trust between you and your customer.

Repurposing content not only makes content creation easier and less time consuming, but it yields multiple benefits for your business – including better ROI.