Brand Monologue? Try Brand Dialogue Instead!

Communication via a massive amount of one-way media is called “brand monologue”. Even though we just made that up here at Liqui-Site, the point is that any brand that only talks at consumers probably won’t be heard. Real interactive communication takes place when both sides pay attention to the other, react to one another, and abra-cadabra: a brand dialogue is born.

Yes, technology has changed how brands and their audiences communicate – across all channels. The explosion has occurred and reoccurred especially in the social media sector. (And your CEO said it was all just a phase!) Going forward, the mega social marketshare of blogging, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn will continue to expand the interactive brand dialogue, and that needs to be at the heart of the marketing communication strategy for every successful brand, large or small. But more than that, it needs to be measurable. OBTW, we can calculate ROI for social media… In real dollars AND sense!

Behavioral marketing, search engine marketing, and performance-based marketing are concepts too big and amorphous for most corporate laypeople. Email marketing is the only vehicle of the bunch that means something to people, yet many suits think their nephew’s college roommate can do that for their business AND have it be successful.

On a broad scale, blogging, social networking and viral media are the foundations that stir people to take action. This is where your call-to-action truly takes shape. Messages need to be communicated and, when appropriate, sold.

Did you happen to see the huge email / blog blunder of Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings? He really pissed off his devout users – and thousands of them (including me) really let him have it. Check out Reed’s post. (Though, my favorite lines from the post were “Companies rarely die from moving too fast, and they frequently die from moving too slowly.” AND “Actions speak louder than words. But words help people to understand actions.”)

So, social, viral or any form of online marketing can’t be “sold” or measured unless you embrace and understand the basic tenets. Yes, companies want an ongoing, interactive brand dialogue with consumers. In fact, they hunger for it… But they must do it right.

6 comments on “Brand Monologue? Try Brand Dialogue Instead!

  1. Ordinary Bob says:

    Qwikster will die with DVDs. Very soon. Netflix will live on, without the association of losing a whole line of business. I really should go back to marketing.

  2. Sandra McLeod Humphrey says:

    I like your differentiation between brand dialogue and brand monologue–it’s all about building relationships and “connecting” in meaningful and authentic ways.

  3. Ordinary Bob, I really appreciate your comment. Thanks. Yet, regardless of how the Netflix debacle turns out, it highlights the value, significance and communication effectiveness that today’s social media channels deliver to consumer markets. Mr. Hastings’ blunder should become a learning experience for the rest of us to embrace the social experience as a truly unique opportunity to be treated responsibly, not to be squandered or treated casually.

  4. Sandra, thank you for reminding us that building relationships and connecting in meaningful and authentic ways is paramount to the social experience!

  5. Dzoapps says:

    Just curious, what is your web development company’s process for creating a new web design for a new domain?

  6. Our process for custom website design and development varies based on the scope of work and goals and objectives of each client. There are a lot of considerations! Feel free to contact us to talk about your project.

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